Queer London 01: Annette Kennerly, Martine Thoquenne, Tom Stephen, Derek Jarman, John Samson, Andy Lipman and Phillip Timmis, Silvia Narizzano
Thursday 13 February 2020, 7pm
Location: Mascara Bar
Sex Lies and Religion, Annette Kennerley, 1993
Catholic Guilt, Martine Thoquenne, 1986
21st Century Nuns, Tom Stephan, 1994
It’s a Sin, Derek Jarman, 1987
Dressing for Pleasure, John Samson, 1977
Watch Out — There's a Queer About!, Andy Lipman and Phillip Timmins, 1980
Oscar Wilde: On Trial, Silvio Narizzano, 1960
On the eve of the feast of St Valentine, Queer London Film Club presents six works on guilt, desire and sex. Abney Park becomes a site of Lesbian goth cruising, the Nuns of Perpetual Indulgence beatify Derek Jarman, the frog man applies talc to a rubber suit, the feds storm a bar and arrest Jimmy Sommerville, and Oscar Wilde takes to the dock.
Curated by Sam Dolbear, Helen MacKenzie & Ash Reid.