Mascara Film Club

Mascara Film Club is an artist-run film club, which mostly takes place in North-East London. Taking place outside both film festival circuits and institutional art spaces, we screen artists’ moving image in more convivial contexts. We understand film screenings defined less as the relation between film and spectators in hushed rooms, but rather as performative and social events where the critical intimacies of friendship and community can come to the fore. Through our programming we seek to bring into conversation films and people, and foster a self-organised infrastructure for moving image practitioners.

Mascara Film Club is organised by Rufus Rock,  Daisy Smith and Katarzyna Łukasik.

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Mascara Film Club

Mascara Film Club is an artist-run film club, which mostly takes place in North-East London. Taking place outside institutional art spaces, we screen artists’ moving image in more convivial contexts. We understand film screenings defined less as the relation between film and spectators in hushed rooms, but rather as performative and social events where the critical intimacies of friendship and community can come to the fore. Through our programming we seek to bring into conversation films and people, and foster a self-organised infrastructure for moving image practitioners.

Mascara Film Club is currently organised by Katarzyna Łukasik, Rufus Rock and Daisy Smith. 

Mattina Hiwaizi, Oreet Ashery, Vika Kirchenbauer, Rosie Gibbens, Maz Murray

Thursday 11 July 2019, 8.30pm
Location: Mascara Bar

dog dog food dog, Mattina Hiwaizi, 2018
Revisiting Genesis - Episode 6, Oreet Ashery, 2018
YOU ARE BORING!, Vika Kirchenbauer, 2015
Professional Body, Rosie Gibbens, 2018
Laindon, Maz Murray, 2018

Image description: Animated GIF of video stills from the screening ‘01’. Video still 1: A headshot of woman with sparkly blue lipstick, beautiful ombre eyeshadow and gold eyebrows stares at the camera in front of a plain green backdrop. Video still 2: A person carries a fully grown white pig and stares the camera in front of a black backdrop. Video still 3: Interior shot of a persons legs wearing cream coloured heals and a short skirt sat on an office chair. Video still 4: A collaged image of a cut out dog leaping looking at a digital animation of a sphere with the Kurdish flag on it as though the dog were about to catch the ball. In the background is a dry and sparse hillside with a few bushes dotted and trees dotted around. Video still 5: A person wearing lots of sparkling makeup gestures towards their ear at what looks like a party with blue fairy lights and blurred figures in the background.

Join us for the inaugural screening of new artist film club, Mascara Film Club, featuring a series of shorts by Mattina Hiwaizi, Oreet Ashery, Vika Kirchenbauer, Rosie Gibbens, and Maz Murray.